The Complete Savvy Investor
THE definitive online programme that teaches you EVERYTHING you need to know to successfully invest in the stock market.
If you...
...feel like a beginner but are keen and ready to get your money working for you on the
stock market
...are ready to start investing but feel overwhelmed by investment jargon and nervous about
getting it wrong and losing money
...want to understand what investments you already have and how they are performing want to if know your retirement funding will provide you with the security
and lifestyle you are hoping for
and don’t know who you can trust or what questions to ask in this vital area of your
financial well being
Then The Complete Savvy Investor is perfect for you

In just one month my investments paid for my PIMMS course and in 12 months I've made over 20 000 pounds.
Maxine Hargreaves

Amazing! I now know I am in control of my finances and am able to do so confidently!!! Financial freedom is in sight and I have no doubt that I will get there when I plan to!
Juliete Galvin

PIMMS is really valuable and clarified and sealed my Financial Freedom strategy and plan. I've automated my investment and now I can relax and leave the portfolio to grow while I live my juicy life.
Renny Letswalo

I am so grateful to Ann for helping me take control of my future and the amazing value they add. PIMMS is truly life changing!!
Luan Davis
- You’ll know how to evaluate and invest in the stock market – knowing what investments to buy and which investment pot you should have them in to maximise your return and minimise your tax
- You’ll learn how to buy them most cost effectively so your money works for you and not someone else
- AND how to manage your investments easily and safely so you can relax and get on with living your life knowing your financial goals are sorted.

- You will know what you want your stock market investments to achieve for you in the short, medium and long term.
- You will know how to select the most suitable investments to achieve these goals.
- You will learn how to evaluate your investments performance and how to manage it simply so you can relax knowing you’re on the right track.

- You will relax and enjoy your life knowing that your money is supporting your dreams NOW and that you’ll be safe and secure in your old age.
- You’ll also learn how to create an income from your investments when you’re ready to stop working or reduce your active earning in a way that gives you all of the income you need AND ensures your investments keep growing.


Ann Wilson
Using the principles she teaches, Ann went from a salaried civil engineer to a financially free, multi millionaire and in just 8 years!
Ann is able to take intimidating, complex and very often boring investing concepts and teach them to “everyday people” just like herself. through writing, speaking and training. .
Through her best-selling book The Wealth Chef, and the highly- acclaimed training programmes Financial Freedom University and Passive Investment Management Mastery School, Ann has enabled thousands of big hearted people to create their own financial freedom and live the lives they really want.
- You’ll be in control of your investment decisions and have the skills, knowledge and know how to successfully invest in passive investment products, improve your investment returns and achieve your financial goals without having to spend loads of time doing it;
- You’ll achieve your short, medium and long term financial goals by knowing how to select the right Index Tracker funds or Exchange Traded Funds in well structured portfolios;
- You’ll understand the opportunities of all the mechanisms and investment “pots” available to you and confidently know how to use them in your investment plan to minimise your costs and tax and maximise your returns;
- You’ll significantly increase your investment returns on any investments you already have (and therefore achieve your freedom faster) by knowing how to evaluate their costs and performance and how to convert them to passive investments so your money works hard for you and not someone else;
- When you’re ready to start “feeding” off your investments, you’ll know how to create an income from your passive investments and still keep your investment pot growing so you know with absolute certainty that you can live the lifestyle you desire indefinitely;
- You’ll ensure your retirement investments – whether through an employer scheme or privately invested – are getting the returns you deserve by knowing what questions to ask, understanding the options you have and how to transfer them to self-invested retirement options if that is right for you.

Become Actively Passive with The Complete Savvy Investor and get your money working hard For You While You Get On With Living Your Juicy Life
Savvy Investor Special Registration Bonuses

Wealth Eco System Training pack

Design Your Wealthy Life - Getting your money working hard for you and creating your financial freedom alone does not create a wealthy life. Knowing what your unique wealthy life is and how to live it with your money supporting you is the key. In this online video training you will learn Ann’s 7 step process to get clear on what wealthy is for you and design the life that will enable you to make it seriously juicy.
Squeeze the Juice - 30 day supercharged online bootcamp to liberate a heap of dosh from your expenses and save at least 15% off your monthly expenses, to create more assets and fun.
JFDI (Get Our Of Debt Programme) - Your debt free life is created though 28 easy to follow and implement steps, organised into 4 transformative stages. I have extracted the things that you need to focus on so you don’t waste any more time and condensed these into an intensive 4-week debt destruction virtual bootcamp.
VALUE $ 391

Our Private PIMMS Facebook Community
Membership of the Private PIMMS community where you get your questions answered, receive ongoing support and advice and connect with a like minded fellow passive investors.
Journeys are better shared. Here is a place to share your successes and challenges, and benefit from the growing clan of experience.
VALUE $ 497

6 Month's Live Q&A Sessions with Me for Troubleshooting, Clarity and Progress
Your personal plan reviewed by an expert.
Feel confident you are on the right track.
In these live Q&A sessions you will have your personal questions answered and get support and guidance to create your personalised investment strategy with confidence.
VALUE $ 564

Experience the confidence and peace of mind that comes from understanding your investments, and knowing how to get the stock market working for you.
Value = US $2493
Savvy Investor Special - US $547 + Bonuses

Start today for $167 and 3 further payments of $167
a one time payment of $547 and save $1946
100% Satisfaction Guarantee – if you are not entirely happy with the program or for some reason it is not what you expected you can receive your money back, no questions asked.If you are not happy, we are not happy!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart and the top of my brain. I feel that not only has my financial intelligence just taken a gigantic leap, but so has my self-belief and focus. The investment I made in money and time has brought me a return far, far greater than the original sum invested.
Amanda Alexander

Just bought my new month's ETF's! PIMMS really helped me decide what kind of portfolio I wanted and showed me how to pick what goes in it! Now it's fun :)
Bianca Jansen Gerber

PIMMS has given me a huge boost and was invaluable for helping me to move forward with my investing. Grateful is such a mild word regarding how I'm feeling about my future!
Kate Donohoe

Thank you for putting together the PIMMS course. I have already learned so much and am very excited to continue on this journey knowing that I am heading in the right direction.
Amanda Vermeulen
“I am so looking forward to teaching you EVERYTHING you need to know to SUCCESSFULLY and SAFELY invest in the Stock Market and ACHIEVE your financial goals now and in the future.
Today’s the day you finally learn what the stock market is all about, the opportunities and limitations of the different investment pots you have available to you, the passive investments you want in your investment pots and the step-by-step strategies and tactics you need to get your money working hard for you so you can live a rich juicy life now and also know you will be able to stop working and have all the income you need to live the lifestyle you desire.
The Complete Savvy Investor will give you all the knowledge, skills and training you need and with me, showing you how to put it all into action in your life, you’ll have the support you need to confidently make your stock market investing a massive success.
I guarantee it!”
Love Ann

Explode your stock market returns and achieve your freedom goals
with these Powerful Modules!
Module 1 - Investing Success Fundamentals
- Learn the fundamentals of Passive Investing.
- The key concepts you need to apply in your Passive Investing.
- The 7 Success Principles you’ll be applying to make your Passive Investing a huge, wealthy success
Module 2 - Tools and Techniques
- Get your Passive Investing “kitchen” set up so you have all the tools you need to maximise your investment returns and manage your investments easily and effectively.
- Get your kitchen set up – this is the online broker platform where all your Passive Investing happens.
- Discover the different investing pots available to you, the opportunities and limitations of each and you’ll know which to use for what purpose to minimise tax, maximise returns and achieve your wealth goals.
- Learn the Core Passive Investing recipe – the base recipe that you’ll apply across all your investing pots to ensure your financial freedom success.
Module 3 - Create Your Freedom Feast
- Determine your wealth goals and define the different dishes you want in your Financial Freedom Feast to serve your short, medium and longer term financial needs.
- Design your investment portfolios to create each of these wealth dishes knowing what ingredients you need and which investment pot to use.
- Evaluate any investments you already have and know what to do with them and how they contribute to your feast requirements.
- Select your passive investments to go into each portfolio.
- Learn how to manage your pots, calculate the performance of your investments and how to tweak and refine your portfolios to ensure you achieve your wealth goals.
- Understand how to feed off your pots, which pots to feed off and in what order and how to do it in a way that keeps your investments healthy and growing while you take an income.
l am ready to dive into The Complete Savvy Investor and achieve my financial goals now and in the future.
Normal Price - US $747
Webinar Special - US $547 + Bonuses
Savvy Investor Special
4 Pay Offer
4 monthly payments of $167 = $668
(Save $1278 off the normal price)
Savvy Investor Special
Upfront Full Pay
Pay 1 payment now of $547
(Save $1946 off the normal price)
No risk to you
30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. I understand I can use ALL the Savvy Investor Training programmes obligation free. I will receive online access to the training portal and all the trainings in my Savvy Investor Training bundle and if I’m not 100% satisfied, I’ll get all my money back no questions asked. I understand I must notify The Wealth Chef within 30 days if I want a refund, besides, with all of the juicy bonuses – I want in!

Multi Media Training : Watch, Listen and Learn
Each module is delivered to you via a series of short videos, and a training webinar where Nerina and Ann teach you the core components of the module. You also receive transcripts of the training webinars, audios, workbooks, spreadsheets and tools for you to download and use to evaluate, set up and manage your Passive Investments.

Lifetime Access : It’s For Life
You will have access to all the training and tools for as long as you need them, being able to come back again and again. Creating and maintaining your Passive Investments to help you achieve your short, medium and long terms goals is an on-going process. When you review your financial goals and check that your current investments are aligned to achieving those goals for you, you jump into PIMMS and get the support and knowledge when you need it.

Turn Your In-between Time Into Wealthy Time: All the training webinars are recorded for you to download and listen to again and again, whenever and wherever it is most convenient for you. You can have Ann and Nerina sharing there knowledge and teaching you how to get your stock market investments working hard for you in your car, while you exercise, when you cook, in the bath… it’s your choice.

Make This Your Wealthiest Year Ever

I've done PIMMS - shared it with my husband. He's just saved £8000 by investing in his pension and having tax free gains. I also moved a poorly performing cash ISA into a stocks and shares ISA and knew how to invest it. I recommend that as a great investment!
Rionach Aiken

As a complete investment novice I am excited that I feel clear and understand it all. Thank you Ann.
Felicity Turland

PIMMS is very inspirational and informative. I feel prepared to make the most important step and start investing. It feels easy with the plan I have now.
Iliana Ianovska
Create the Life and Freedom YOU Deserve
Know all your financial needs are sorted
Live the lifestyle you desire
Experience earning money without you working for it
Feel safe and secure about your old age
Travel the world and soak up life experiences
Contribute more to the things you feel passionate about
Live life fully on your terms
Earnings Disclaimer – We don’t believe in “get rich quick” programs – only in hard work, adding value, serving others with excellence and constancy, responsible and conscious leadership of your money and solid investments. Our programs are intended to help you master your money and get it supporting you so you can make a difference in your family, community and the world. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don’t register in our programs if you believe in the “money for nothing get rich quick” myth or ideology; we only want serious people dedicated to real professional development who want to add value and move humanity forward. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. Your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction; we give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, investment recommendations or promises for actual or future performance. Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, or web site, should be done only with the knowledge that you could experience risk or losses just like any investment. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance. Anyway, all of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. It’s basic stuff — don’t think you’re guaranteed to make money easily or at all, understand there is risk in being an investor, — but we feel transparency is important, and we hold ourselves (and you) to an incredibly high standard of integrity. That’s why we also put our disclaimers on all our pages, why we give you our contact information for any questions, and why we give you a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Thanks for stopping by.
The Wealth Chef International Ltd, 483 Green Lanes, London, N13 4BS